ISO 37001 – New International Standard for Anti-Bribery under Development

ISO 37001 – New International Standard for Anti-Bribery under Development

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has announced the approval of a new project for ISO 37001, the new anti-bribery management system standard. ISO 37001 will specify a set of requirements to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives to ensure a robust set of anti-bribery measures are put in place. This Standard will address bribery risks in relation to the organization’s activities

The British Standard BS 10500:2011 – Specification for an anti-bribery management system (ABMS), is being used as a base document and an international committee has been set up to develop the standard. Released in November 2011, BS 10500, the current specification for anti-bribery management is being used as a base document to develop the international standard.  

Work is currently underway, with the draft international standard expected to be available for public comment during 2015. The final standard is expected in 2016.

What are the benefits of a BS 10500 Anti-bribery Management System?

BS 10500 brings big benefits to all companies of all sizes.  By allowing you to respond to the increasing customer demands for proof of anti-bribery measures, a BS 10500 compliant management system can improve your business confidence, reputation and future growth. It also helps you:

  • Demonstrate legal compliance
  • Make sure suppliers are committed to anti-bribery best practice
  • Monitor and manage risk throughout your business and supply chain
  • Meet growing stakeholder demand for sufficient anti-bribery measures
  • Potentially cut the cost of your corporate insurance premiums
  • Gain opportunities to improve efficiency across working practices 


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