In response to the COVID-19 outbreak Analytix Academy, has implemented the following precautions in efforts to mitigate risk to our delegates and staff:
Analytix Academy (Pty) Ltd Offices:
All staff have been instructed to wash hands repeatedly and have been supplied with hand sanitizers to take home. Staff members showing any cold or flu-like symptoms have been given strict instructions to stay at home.
Our office is now cleaned and sanitised using the same disinfectant cleaners used in hospitals, this is done every morning and afternoon. We have hand sanitisers at our office entrance and at various points throughout the office.
Analytix Academy Training Public Course Training Venues:
- Public training courses have been suspended and will resume in May 2020
- On-Site training delivery to continue
- Any student dispalying any symtoms will not be allowed to enter the training venue and will be be requested to leave immedaitely
- Each student will receive their own bottle of hand sanitiser upon arrival (sanitiser contains 70% alcohol and is effective at killing 99.9% of germs)
- Delegates will be required to sanitise (which will be provided at all entry points) upon entering premises
- Surfaces in high-traffic areas such as door handles and tables will be constantly sanitised, so will whiteboard markers and other instruments used during courses
- Spacing between delegates will be increased – instead of two students per table, we will be setting up 1 student per table: reducing the number of delegates in a room at one time
- Courses will be limtied to a maximum of 15 students per course
The virus is not transmitted via food, but precautions are being taken by the training venue to limit contamination. All our training venues will be implementing a high level of sanitation and disinfecting of surfaces and public areas. All employees will be wearing protective face masks and gloves.
As an alternative solution, Analytix Academy will be implementing remote delivery training options for delegates who are unable to physically attend courses.
Until we receive further information and guidance from the WHO or the Government, we will continue to serve all our clients to the best of our abilities, while hopefully protecting the health and safety of our employees and clients.
The Analytix Acamey Training Team
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 to Sunday, May 31, 2020