BS 10500 – Anti-Bribery Standard Assists in Managing Corruption Risks

BS 10500:2011 Specification for an Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)

The British Standard BS 10500:2011 published by the British Standard Institute provide help to organizations wishing to implement an effective anti-bribery management systems (ABMS). BS 10500 specifies how an organisation can implement risk-based policies, procedures and controls to mitigate bribery related risks.

An BS 10500 : 2011 ABMS, provides organisations with a framework for prohibiting, preventing, detecting, reporting and dealing with any bribery that does occur. Applying it correctly can help to establish whether an organisation has put in place reasonable and proportionate measures designed to prevent bribery.

What are the benefits of BS 10500?

  • Familiarise yourself with the new anti-bribery legislation
  • Enables stronger confidence, better reputation and more business
  • Identify risks early and prove you have measures in place
  • Stay protected and compliant with legislation
  • Manage risk across your business, including supply chains
  • Continually improve and deliver best practice in managing risks.

BS 10500 is designed to help organisations to prove to both internal and external stakeholders that they have robust anti-bribery practices in place and that they are being implemented adequately.

For more information on anti-bribery consulting, ot training, contact Analytix.


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